
Scorn for Religion (from old version)

Criticism against Jungian Psychology
Scorn for Religion

 In Jungian’s psychology, healing will occur when “Self” as an archetype presents itself. That is analogous to enjoying divine favor. Therefore “Self” might be God. Carl Gustav Jung called it “an image of God” (see “Antwort auf Hiob”) and “inner God” (see “Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Ich und dem Unbewussten”). Jungians actually believe that people’s images of God derive from “Self”. It comes to this that “Self” has precedence in rank over God. They consequently conclude that their psychology is better than religion. Jungians look down upon religions people for that reason.
 But Jung said as follows. If we consider “Self” to be Almighty God, we will be pitiful, inferior and incapable beings before God (see “Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Ich und dem Unbewussten”). Did he want to be rival to God? He fell into expansive delusion. His personality is similar to Hitler’s. The same may be said of his followers.
 They say that Jung cured himself of his psychosis. That must have been a gift from “Self”. But if he thought of his cure as a fruit of his own efforts, his personality would change into devil’s that. His cure was not true. He identified himself with devil. The fact of the matter is that he and his followers do not reject evil. Jungians are harmful for human beings.
 June 2, 2011



Criticism against Jungian Psychology

Criticism against Jungian Psychology

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